What’s in a Name? How to Choose a Domain Name
It’s no secret that as a small business, establishing a strong digital ecosystem drives superior outcomes, and helps you compete on a level playing field, against larger and more established players from your chosen industry.
Key advantages of a robust digital footprint
As a medium of marketing and communications in particular, the digital space offers a range of advantages over traditional media. Among other things, it:
• Helps you reach out to a critical mass of demographically geographically, and behaviorally targeted prospects in a cost-effective manner.
• Provides a versatile multi-media canvas, to help you showcase your offering and communicate with your prospects in a creatively compelling and immersively engaging fashion.
• Enables effective real-time tracking across multiple metrics and real-time course correction at minimal incremental cost – ensuring optimal marketing ROI.
The lynchpin of your digital eco-system
You can set up accounts on various social media platforms – Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and so on. You can put your company profile up on business listing and review sites such as Google My Business, Yahoo Local, Yelp!, FourSquare, HotFrog, and more. All of these qualify as ‘owned’ media.
But your website – your very own little piece of digital real estate – has to form the core around which your digital presence is built. It is the custom-built home in which your business virtually resides. It must project the unique identity of your business and reflect the core values it stands for.
It must also serve as a unified repository for everything you want your prospects to know about your business. This information is typically divided into distinct ‘rooms’ or sections – dealing with various aspects of your business, which may include but is not necessarily limited to:
• Your Company: credentials and track record
• Your Offering/s: features, benefits, price-points
• Your Customer: insights into need-gaps that your offering plugs
• Customer Reviews & Case Studies: customer experiences vis-à-vis your offering
• Special Offers & Discounts: and other such triggers for prospects to enquire, engage with, or purchase your offering.
• News: internal posts and announcements and external media coverage about your company
• Value-added content: thought leadership articles, white papers, videos, podcasts, blogs…
To use another analogy, look at your website as your own private ‘planet’ in cyberspace. Your Twitter handle, your LinkedIn account, your Facebook, Yahoo Local, or Yelp! profiles are ‘satellites’ that orbit your ‘planet’ – with data constantly being beamed back and forth between your ‘planet’ and its ‘satellites’.
The gateway to your website
But before you start planning the framework and structure of your website, you must decide on its domain name. This, in effect, is the virtual address, the gateway, and the key to the virtual home of your business – all rolled into one.
The importance of your domain name cannot be overstated. It defines your business or brand, helps form the first impression, and impacts your Search Engine Optimization efforts. Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind, when choosing your domain name:
• Choose a .com domain name
It’s what your prospects are most familiar with. If the exact .com domain name you want is not available, keep a few alternatives as backups. For instance, if www.tizgee.com wasn’t available, www.tizgeellc.com or even www.tizgeedesign.com would probably be better alternatives than www.tizgee.org or www.tizgee.net. Obviously, if a .com domain name is not available for even your backup alternatives, you will have to choose from among the two next best options – a .org or .net domain name.
• Unique and brandable rather than common and generic
Among insurance comparison websites, for instance, the domain name www.thezebra.com would be relatively easy to search for and locate than www.compare.com which may get lost in a sea of listings with the generic word ‘compare’ in it.
• Keep it short and easy to remember
Put yourself in the shoes of prospects who find your domain name on your business card or any of your printed marketing collaterals, and want to visit your website. They would much rather type in www.tizgee.com, than www.tizgeemultimediadesign.com. If you must have multiple words in your domain name, avoid a situation where the last letter of one word is the same as the first letter of the next – for example www.theengineeringgroup.com. Such domain names can be confusing and hard to read.
• Consider adding a keyword that describes the nature of your business or offering
Particularly if your business is a startup and its area of expertise has not yet been established. For instance, users may wonder what www.wayne.com deals with, but will immediately know what business www.waynehomes.com is into.
Checking for domain name availability
Log on to any of several portals that allow you to purchase domain names online. Type in the domain name you want to check the availability for. If it is not available, check for desired alternatives. Many of these sites also provide domain name generators that spew out close matches to the domain name you want, that are available for purchase.
Some of the most popular of these websites include:
Your domain name may play a key role in finalizing your brand name
If you own a running business, you are limited by your existing brand name and will perforce need to retrofit your domain name to correspond as closely as possible to your brand name.
But if you are a startup, particularly if your business is conducted exclusively or even predominantly online, you must build an additional filter into the formulation of your brand name itself, in order to ensure that a domain name that closely corresponds to it is available for you to purchase.
Happy hunting folks!