What is Section 508, and Why Does it Apply to My Business?
We are, as a society, acutely conscious and deeply appreciative of certain courtesies and concessions extended by public and private establishments, designed to enhance access and engagement for differently-abled members of the community – in the physical world. Section 508 puts in place a set of guidelines that aim to achieve similar outcomes in the digital realm.
Section 508 is part of a 1998 amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which mandates federal agencies develop, maintain, and use information and communications technology (ICT) that is more accessible and easier to use, for people with disabilities.
Wide-ranging scope
Section 508 applies across (but is not necessarily limited to) the broad areas of:
- Software applications and operating systems
- Web-based internet and intranet data, applications, assets, and collaterals
- Desktop and portable computers and telecommunications devices
- Videos and multimedia products
- Self-contained, closed products
The section is regularly updated – most recently in 2017-18 – to review and if necessary, tweak the guidelines, to align with the latest developments and innovations in the larger ICT space.
Empowering those with disabilities
Section 508 stipulates that all federal agencies and their contractors must design, develop and deploy information and communication technology platforms, applications, and interfaces, compliant with a specific set of standards and guidelines established by the US Access Board (which also implements the law).
These standards and guidelines, some of which call for the use of certain embedded assistive technologies, render the data and content disseminated by Section 508-compliant ICT platforms, applications, and interfaces, easier to perceive, follow, access, use, and engage with, particularly for:
- Those with cognitive impairments and learning disabilities of various types
- Those with visuals impairments of different kinds
- Those with hearing disabilities
- Those with motor or dexterity impairments
- Those who are prone to photo epileptic seizures brought on by strobe or flashing effects
Who Section 508 applies to?
While the section applies primarily to Federal Agencies and related stakeholders, it also extends to institutes and organizations that receive federal funding – museums, universities, healthcare centers, and more.
Compliance with Section 508 may make sense for some privately-owned businesses as well – for instance, those that cater to the elderly, or the physically or mentally infirm.
However, a growing number of businesses today – across the size and sector spectrum – are voluntarily co-opting the standards and guidelines laid out under section 508, either because they truly are or because they are keen to be seen as socially aware and conscientious businesses.
Makes sense to jump on the bandwagon
There are several studies that suggest that businesses and brands that come across as authentic in their assertions of social responsibility are generally preferred by consumers to those that don’t.
From an image-building – if not a core values – perspective, jumping on the 508 bandwagon makes eminent business sense. For while compliance may call for a certain level of investment, with all other things being constant, it can also prove to be that critical edge that wins you a sale, a subscription, or a contract over a non-compliant competitor – providing a higher return on investment and then some.
This is a classic case of the federal government and its agencies leading by example – setting high standards of socially responsible practices, that regular businesses are at least pressured, if not inspired, to adopt – effectively creating greater social equity – nationwide.
Tizgee can help
Compliance with Level AA of Section 508/W3C has been baked into Tizgee’s website design and development processes. So, if you want to create Section 508 compliant digital assets, or perform remediation on existing documents to ensure Section 508 compliance – contact us.