What is a Call to Action (CTA)?
In marketing, particularly in the digital marketing context, no piece of communication is complete without a Call to Action (CTA).
Whether it is an article, a blog, a social media post, or an advertisement your CTA is the trigger that compels your target audience to take that next step in the journey of discovery that you, as a marketer, seek to take your prospects on.
CTA decoded
Any effective piece of marketing communication that you or your marketing agency puts out, in addition to effectively targeting your prospect base, must strive to achieve three core objectives:
- Engage: Grab attention.
Elicit a smile. Stoke a memory. Evoke a sentiment. - Influence: Create desire.
Highlight a latent need. Explain a key benefit. - Activate: Trigger the desired action.
Learn more. Sign up for free! Claim your discount! Buy now!
The CTA is all about activation.
The importance of a CTA in digital marketing
The digital medium is uniquely versatile, providing your prospects with instant gratification – no matter what your call to action is.
They can explore your offering further, better understand its benefits, sign up to get notified about related offerings or special offers, claim free trials or spot discounts, or simply purchase – all at the click of a button.
That’s why having the right CTA is such a critical component of your digital marketing efforts.
Arriving at the right CTA
Selecting the right CTA, like many other aspects of digital marketing, is not an exact science. and involves some trial and error. In marketing, this is referred to as A/B testing.
Simply put, you can concurrently test the effectiveness of different CTAs over a certain period, before settling on the one that gets the most clicks and best meets the expectations of your target audience.
Only digital media allows you to do this in a cost-effective manner.
In closing
Team Tizgee is committed to arming you with the digital marketing knowhow you need to succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
But we understand that unwavering focus on your core competency is key to your success, leaving you with little time to execute your marketing plans the way you’d like to.
That’s where we step in, with our substantial digital marketing experience and unstinting dedication to helping small businesses like yours achieve superior outcomes.
To put your digital marketing in our capable hands, contact us! How’s that for a CTA?