Graphic Design vs User Interface (UI) Design
There are certainly some common threads between graphic design and UI design. Fundamentally, both strive for and are driven by an aesthetic ideal on the one hand and a commercial objective on the other.
But even this base-level similarity is characterized by varying degrees of emphasis on factors such as ‘form vs function,’ ‘flair vs structure,’ ‘beauty vs purpose,’ and ‘(wild) imagination vs (directed) vision.’
Graphic Design
The bedrock of all design disciplines. The focus is on imagination, aesthetics, and flair. Graphic designers work with colors, visuals, forms, patterns, and typography to create the right ambience, feel, and flavor.
It is a generalized discipline and therefore enjoys a broad canvas. Its principles can be applied across all other design disciplines and across every conceivable medium – print, out- of-home, audio-visual, garments, devices, automobiles, interior and exterior spaces…
UI Design
A highly specialized design discipline whose canvas is confined to connected digital platforms. It draws on some of the fundamentals of graphic design but focuses on creating intuitive, instinct-driven, and interactive digital interfaces that make for seamless, delightful, and immersive user experiences.
The emphasis is not so much on impulsive creativity but strategic vision. Sheer aesthetics, while desirable, is subservient to logic, functionality, ergonomics, and navigability. Aspects of UI design can be more structured and purpose-driven. Overall, UI design is a far more cerebral undertaking.
Graphic vs UI Design: Key Differences
- Graphic design is more generalized and enjoys a broad canvas. UI design is more specialized, focusing on design optimization of digital platforms.
- Graphic design is presentative and minimally iterative. Graphic designers create and exhibit visuals that
can be admired and appreciated. UI design is participative and dynamically iterative. UI designers create interfaces that can be tangibly experienced and drive interactive engagement. - Graphic design relies on creative impulse and artistic flair. Graphic designers work with colors, forms, visuals, and typography, to achieve their desired effect. UI design is more purpose-driven. UI designers analyze user behavior, map the user journey and unearth actionable insights for strategic visioning, wire-framing, prototyping and rigorous testing
- Graphic designers are generally concerned with creating a contextually relevant, aesthetically pleasing look and feel. UI designers’ concerns go beyond mere look and feel – into areas such as usability, navigability, engagement, and interactivity.
- Graphic designers use pre-existing design and image enhancement software to createmtheir artwork.
UI designers exhibit expertise in design coding, using languages such as JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. - Here’s an analogy that evocatively captures the difference between what Graphic design and UI design seek
to achieve: Graphic design creates beautiful destinations. UI design creates memorable journeys.
Where do we come in?
Tizgee is a small business that focuses on helping other small businesses thrive and grow. We offer full-stack digital marketing services to help small businesses establish, maintain and manage a strong digital presence.
Our world class UI designers marry their finely-honed skills with a sound strategic approach, to create websites and other digital interfaces that heighten user engagement, create memorable user journeys, and drive desired business outcomes.
We’ve evolved a unique UI design process, tailored to meet the needs of small businesses. For instance, we skip wire-framing and proceed directly to WYSIWYG design renditions. This can save time and make the evaluation and decision-making process far more convenient.
Even though these kind of tweaks in the process may occasionally make the entire exercise more iterative and effort-intensive for us, we don’t charge you for it. Because we don’t just build websites. We build relationships. For us, delighting our client is paramount. If this sounds like a partnership worth pursuing get in touch!