Visionary CEO Published In Journal of Asthma Study

Visionary Consulting Partners, LLC, Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer, Eleanor Thornton was cited as a lead author in an abstract titled - Adapting and implementing an evidence-based asthma counseling intervention for resource-poor populations - published in the Journal of Asthma. 

In response to the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, Eleanor Thornton and colleagues led a significant research effort to improve lives among residents living in the city’s poorest and most impacted neighborhoods.   The research effort was supported by Head-off Environmental Asthma in Louisiana (HEAL) intervention, a collaborative initiative between the City of New Orleans Department of Health and Tulane University Health Sciences Center.   The project was created to study the effects of mold and other indoor allergens on children with asthma in post-Katrina New Orleans.  The focus of the research conducted by Eleanor Thornton was to specifically determine whether asthma morbidity in children could be decreased by implementing an evidence-based asthma counseling intervention.  The strategies implemented within this study resulted in improved clinical health outcomes, as well as the development of a comprehensive guide for managing asthma and other chronic conditions in resource-poor settings.

Learn more about Eleanor Thornton's published abstract Here

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